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Bitalian : learn and dream in Italian!

From the phone, from the  Pc, from the Tablet,  at your home, in the hotel: you can learn where  and as you want ! This methodology is designed for you and your personal needs. I will not use just one method, but a mix of the methods that best suit your needs. Depending on your language skills  I will develop activities to improve those that are weaker and consolidate those that are already good. Grammar and communication skills will go hand in hand, to make your comprehension and your oral and written production effective to reach the level of the CEFR you want (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2). In each course you will be the protagonist of learning and I will accompany you on this journey. Flexible hours for all levels .

Based on the course you choose and the modality ( individual, couple, group, for companies, etc.) I will choose the most suitable materials for you as a PJ .

6 steps to learn

  • ASSESSMENT: I evaluate the linguistic skills of  written and oral understanding and production;


  • ANALYSIS: I analyze the objectives and consider the previous knowledge to quantify the time needed to achieve them;


  • PLANNING: I design the course based on real needs and my experience to optimize learning results;


  • TUTORING AND COACHING: in addition to regular progress monitoring, I will accompany you by motivating you to do whatever is necessary to improve;


  • MONITORING: the evolution of learning is carefully monitored and the level of the course is continuously aligned with the skills acquired and their enhancement;


  • FINAL REPORT: as soon as the course is finished we will talk about the progress achieved in the various skills. If requested, you will have a certificate of attendance with the program we carried out. If you wish, you will receive the help you need to register for international certification exams.


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