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Culture courses

Ingredienti della pasta

Italian food and wine

There are Italian dishes that can be eaten in all regions and then there are regional ones. I always tell my students: "Eat typical dishes, buy seasonal fruit and vegetables". The relationship between food and territory is something unique and profound. Our peninsula offers a great variety of products. You will know the meanings of the IGP and DOP labels for gastronomic products and DOC and DOCG, for wines. Get ready to take a journey into Italian cuisine.

8 pasta sauces

Can you make pasta? You can't make it and you buy it? Do you want to know how to make the real Carbonara? Do you want to cook Fettuccine with meat sauce and learn that "Bolognese sauce" is a name that is not used in Italy? Cook with me and remember that there are also optional Italian language exercises (with solutions). 8 real sauces with many little secrets ...

Image by sorin popa
Mozzarella in carrozza.jpg

8 easy and good recipes

Do you want to cook Italian recipes to surprise someone?

You are not a phenomenon in the kitchen, but would you like to try to cook Italian recipes? This is the course for you. 8 recipes that are easy to prepare and good to eat!

Holiday sweets:
curiosities and recipes

Do you like cooking? Do you have a sweet tooth?

With this lesson I will introduce you to the recipes of Italian holiday desserts and I will send you the recipes to be able to replicate them at your home. Discover with me the history of our desserts!

Panettone di Natale
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